Waterproof Weather- Again!

Ever heard the saying ‘There’s no such thing as bad weather, just wrong clothes’ ?  I’m not so sure I entirely agree with that statement, given the monsoon-like weather we have been having here in the north east!  But I am a big fan of getting out in it with waterproofs on!

I couldn’t believe some of the images people had been posting of floods in their areas and it seems so strange looking at images of well known landmarks in our region under several feet of water.  My favourite image was of lightening striking the Tyne Bridge!


And of the underpass at West Jesmond Metro station.


And the city centre.


A few of our guys cycle to work and I have been asking them what they would recommend for cycling in this type of weather.  They all recommended waterproof over trousers and waterproof jackets as they are comfortable to ride in and can wear their own comfy, usual cycling gear underneath.  And on commuting days, they don’t have to carry a spare set of clothes to get changed into once they get to work.

A favourite at the moment is the Dare 2 Be Night Hawk Jacket in flourescent green, as it is lightweight, breathable, the right colour to help them be visible on the roads and has reflective flashes on the shoulders, side panels and back, again helping with visability.  Other useful features are the chest pocket and rear pocket for phones and other essentials.  (I would find the rear pocket handy for snacks while out on a sunday!)  I also like the neck cinch detail where you can quickly and easily draw the neck in closer to stop drafts if it gets nippy.

www.cyclecentreuk.co.uk/ , 0191 2651472.

Well we are forecast a break in the rain for tomorrow so I am hoping to get out and about- with my waterproofs on just incase!
